APAHartry Field to Give the 2018–2019 Romanell Lecture on Philosophical Naturalism

Hartry Field to Give the 2018–2019 Romanell Lecture on Philosophical Naturalism

The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that Professor Hartry Field (New York University) will give the 2018–2019 Romanell Lecture at the 2019 Eastern Division meeting in New York City.

The Patrick Romanell Lecture is presented annually at a divisional meeting of the APA on the topic of philosophical naturalism. The lecture comes with a monetary award of $1,200 plus travel costs, and the lecture will be published in the APA Proceedings and Addresses.

The chair of the selection committee said, “Hartry Field has been a major contributor to metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, logic, and mathematics for almost fifty years. From his earliest work—‘Tarksi’s Theory of Truth’ (Journal of Philosophy, 1972); ‘Theory Change and the Indeterminacy of Reference’ (Journal of Philosophy, 1973); ‘Quine and the Correspondence Theory’ (Philosophical Review, 1974)—Field has developed an extraordinarily sophisticated and detailed naturalistic approach to central questions in philosophy about the relationship between language, mind, and world.”

Professor Field is also the author of Science without Numbers (1980); Realism, Mathematics, and Modality (1989); Truth and the Absence of Fact (2001); and Saving Truth from Paradox (2008). He is Silver Professor of Philosophy and University Professor at New York University.


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