Diversity and InclusivenessCelebrate Women in Philosophy!

Celebrate Women in Philosophy!

The Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession is pleased to announce two new posters celebrating women in philosophy. These posters represent updates to older posters created some years ago. The new posters were designed in response to feedback received from members of the profession about what they would like to see in a poster celebrating women working in philosophy today.  The new posters represent a broad cross-section of women philosophers and include the names of the women philosophers featured. Together they include the names and pictures of over 300 women currently working in philosophy. The process of obtaining photos and permissions was a long one but the results are fantastic! We hope that members of the profession agree.

Show your support for women in philosophy by ordering both of the new posters for your office and department today. Orders for the new posters can be placed at here.


  1. I don’t want to celebrate women in philosophy. No, I don’t think that’s for me.

    I want women to take over philosophy, and for the men to sit down and be quiet for awhile. Why? Why you ask? Because men have too many stupid ideas like this one!

    But wait, I’m not entirely kidding. As example, I enjoy annoying my Catholic friends by suggesting that the single best thing Catholicism could do to revive itself would be for the priests and nuns to swap jobs. Not forever or anything, just for the next 2,000 years to even things out, bring some balance to the situation.

    Seriously, what would Western religion be like without men always hogging the stage? Surely saner, yes? I mean, these big enterprises all about love and compassion, run by men? Really? Reality is stranger than fiction?

    What would philosophy be like if it is was dominated by women instead of men? I don’t claim to know, but if the goal was that philosophy break out of long established patterns and explore truly new territory, might that be the fastest way to get there? What if men are not really leading the field, but standing in the way?

    And, and, not only that, what if I’m now in trouble with local editors of every conceivable gender?? What if my dream that some men must sit down and be quiet is about to come true? 🙂


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