Due to the winter storm affecting Savannah, GA, and the fact that the bridge connecting downtown Savannah and the Convention Center is closed, many sessions will be unable to proceed as normal. However, many attendees are already at the Westin and have access to the Convention Center.
If you are in Savannah, please be safe. Travel conditions are dangerous; do not take unnecessary risks to get to the meeting.
The Convention Center will be open and registration will open at 10 a.m. today as scheduled.
Attendees are welcome to gather for sessions as scheduled, though due to the storm, sessions on Wednesday (and potentially on Thursday as well) will likely be small and informal.
We’re opening this thread to facilitate communication among participants about meeting sessions during the storm. If you are a scheduled speaker or session chair, we invite you to use this space to indicate whether or not you will be able to attend and/or whether your session will go ahead.
- Andy Cullison is maintaining a schedule for events going on at the Hyatt.
- Cat Saint-Croix has helpfully made a spreadsheet to keep track of session cancellations.
I’m disappointed to be missing out on chairing John Kaag’s author-meets-critics session on American Philosophy: A Love Story. However, John & the critics made it there, so it’s going ahead! If you’re there, check it out – it’ll be terrific.
Perhaps meeting at the Hyatt and having a conversation with those around might be productive?
Does anyone know of transportation from the city to the convention center? The ferry is closed, as is the bridge.
Unfortunately, there is no good way to get across the river at this time.
According to the Hotel’s front desk: You can get to Hutchinson Island from the airport via I95 exit 5, then south on the S.Carolina side of the river to Hwy 17, to Hutchinson Island exit
Uber, Lyft Renting a car. IF ANYONE IS ARRIVING ON AMTRAK VERY LATE, AFTER 10 AND WANTS TO SHARE AN UBER/LYFT PLS phone or text Mary Ellen Waithe at 216-534-4717.
The following session has been cancelled because almost all of the participants were unable to get to the conference due to weather conditions:
Session 4B, 3 January (Wed) 6:30-9:30PM
Author Meets Critics: Bryan W. Van Norden, Taking Back Philosophy: A Multicultural Manifesto
Arranged by the APA Committee on Asian and Asian-American
Philosophers and Philosophies
Chair: Lynne Tirrell (University of Connecticut)
Critics: Julianne Chung (University of Louisville)
Owen Flanagan (Duke University)
Kenneth A. Taylor (Stanford University)
Author: Bryan W. Van Norden (Vassar College and Yale-NUS
Dear Professor Van Norden,
Thank you for the notification. I have been so much looking forward to the session.
Then, I remember my mom told me when I was a little kid: 千算萬算,不如老天一算!
Happy New Year!
T. K. Chu
I second the suggestion that those on the Hyatt side ought to meet up at the Hyatt! Some junior scholars were asking me if they could even list their peer-refereed conference acceptances on their CVs now that the Westin is not accessible. Allow me to suggest here, philosophers, that if you talk your assembled peers through your paper at the Hyatt, which is already one of the two conference hotels, then of course you can list your presentation on your CV, and you deserve it!
Good idea, although I wonder if the Hyatt would let us do that, or whether they would want some kind of conference reservation…
My mind is that if your paper was accepted and is on the program, then whether you delivered it is immaterial in these special circumstances: list it on your CV proudly.
Rachel, my thoughts as well, exactly right.
I’m at the Hyatt and up for informal gathering and discussing. There’s plenty of space in and around the lobby where we could do this w/o actually needing a conference room. I propose that if you’re stuck at the Hyatt and have paper to present, post here and we’ll do our best to get some folks to congregate for discussion. There are philosophers hanging around the lobby already, so it shouldn’t be too hard to organize some groups.
I’m coordinating with the Hyatt staff to see if they’ll give us some space for the folks on this side to meet up
The panel today from 3-6pm in 3p featuring Jessica Gelber, Katy Meadows and Sukaina Hirji is cancelled as we are all stranded south of the bridge. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Tomorrow at 5:15 the Committee on Public Philosophy is holding a session on “How to Address Authoritarianism”. Go to it! 50% of the panel is there, and more might be added. David Livingstone Smith is at the Hyatt, and by tomorrow the transit between hotels should be fine. I am in Boston, grounded, so can’t be there in person. More info on this session soon, but keep it on your calendar!
The Symposium on Animal Rights, Terrorism, and Pacifism will be held today at 11am at Natural Selections Cafe. Which is to say, the speakers will all have lunch there, and others are welcome to join too if they like
Friday morning panel on pharmacoeconomics is cancelled as none of the participants we able to make it there due to the weather.
The 11am session, Talking Ourselves Senseless, is cancelled as none of the participants are able to attend.
I have a flight rebooked for Friday but so far none of the original participants on my panel “Speech, Identity, and Privacy in the Age of Social Media,” have managed to make it to Savannah, and I am worried about getting stranded there on Saturday. I’m within a breath of pulling the plug
So disappointed … this was the best APA program I have ever seen and I was so excited to see all these people and presentations!
Both Society for Analytical Feminism sessions are currently scheduled to proceed as planned, but the Thursday session is at risk due to the ongoing travel suspense of some participants.
Anna Vaughn is at the convention center and has said she is willing to be a session chair if the chair for a given session is unavailable. She can be reached via text at 801-499-9649 or email vaughna5@sacredheart.edu.
The symposium session “Sexual Violence and Self-Blame” Session 1-0 in room 205 is taking place as scheduled.
Everyone down there or still considering coming down from the NE knows about this, right? More and new forms of apocalypse due at the end of the week…
Or rather, more and new forms of APAcalypse, as Landon Schurtz has dubbed it.
I just had a very interesting exchange with a philosopher, in the lounge at the back of the Hyatt (overlooking the river) about our respective work. There are lots of opportunities for cool conversations, so if you want to talk, just grab me (the big bald guy in a brown leather jacket)!
Unfortunately, none of the panelists for the Society for Philosophy of Creativity session tomorrow (G6C) were able to reschedule flights to make it in time, so the session is cancelled.
For those looking for road and weather condition updates, Chatham County’s Emergency Management Facebook page has been helpful, and they respond very quickly to messages.
I’m stuck on Tybee Island and won’t be able to work the registration table from 1:30 to 5 as I was scheduled to do.
Is there a way to find out whether sessions can be rescheduled to slots left open by folks not showing up? Mine is today at 1 but I’m stuck across the river.
Thursday Section 5Q, 9a-12, Democratic constitutional change is Cancelled; none of the participants could get to Savannah
Re: The 3-6 pm session scheduled for today, with Shamik Dasgupta’s paper ‘Realism and the Absence of Value’.
I don’t yet know if Shamik is here and will be able to make it.
I (Amie Thomasson) as one respondent can make it; John Hawthorne cannot but he will try to Skype in for his comments, and failing that, I can read them out. So my plan so far is to go ahead with the session as best we can!
Any updates on this? I was looking forward to this session.
Sorry. I missed the most recent post that it was cancelled.
Sorry for the late notice as I just found out about the thread!
The 11am session on Epistemic Injustice was cancelled as none of the participants could reach the Westin.
I am scheduled to present at today’s 6:30 panel of the National Philosophical Counseling Association, but I am stranded south of the conference center, so it appears that I will not be able to make it. Matthew and Bill? Are you north of the river? Thanks and be safe.
This afternoon’s session on Emilie du Chatelet and the Metaphysics of Physics (starting at 3:00) is STILL ON, as 2 of the 3 participants are here!. Please come!
Folks at the Hyatt. We have three rooms.
There are 75 of us here. We’ll meet at 12:30 in Percival and see if we can’t throw together an impromptu conference across the three rooms
What topics will be discussed? Do you have an idea. Some of us are having a panel at Natural selections cafe om bull qnd 32nd
We’re going to first figure out who didn’t get to present today and then I will draft a mini-schedule across the three rooms.
Thank you for organizing these impromptu sessions, Andy!
I am flying in tomorrow for a session on Friday:
American Society for Value Inquiry
Topic: Issues in Neuro-Ethics
Should I stay home? Does anyone have information on this session?
The Deep Self session is currently running via Facetime broadcast in the assigned room, for anyone who would like to join us for discussion!
Free wifi is now available in the Convention Center. The connection is APA2018, and no password is needed.
The bridge to the Westin is closed so I will not be able to make it to the APA (following up on my earlier post).
Ken Taylor will be joining me for the session on Addressing Authoritarianism tomorrow at 5:15. Y’all come!
YAY!! This will be a terrific session. Thanks for replacing me, Ken Taylor!
I am supposed to chair a session on Locke and Spinoza on Thursday, Jan. 4., 2 – 5 PM. However, I’ve had two flight cancellations, cannot get a flight in time for the session, and I risk getting stuck in Atlanta. So, I will not be attending. One presenter and two commentators have also bailed out, so far. I suppose the session can go on without me. Let me know if you are willing/able to chair it! At the least we should read each other’s papers online. Very sorry to miss this. Good luck, everybody. Hopefully next year the Fates will be with us!
Those of us trapped at the Hyatt will bee meeting in the Perceval (?) room at 12:30 to work out a mini-program here today.
Philosophers at the Hyatt,
We’re meeting in Percival at 12:30. If you were scheduled to present today and would like to present here at the Hyatt – please fill out this form. It will help me quickly throw together a schedule.
Sadly, the Memorial Session for Delia Graff Fara Thursday at 5:30 has to be canceled because most of the participants can’t get to Savannah.
Oh wow, this one is really really sad. Peace.
Thanks Rebecca. Sad indeed.
Andrew, when I click on the link, I get the following message:
You need permission
This form can only be viewed by users in the owner’s organization.
Tom, I fixed the permissions. You should be able to now
Andrew, the link is still showing the same message as before.
The following session (G16B Sat 1130-130) is cancelled since at least 2/3 critics and the author are unable to make it to Savannah. We will try to reschedule for next year!
Author-Meets-Critics: Jerry Miller, Stain Removal: Ethics and Race
Arranged by the Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World
Critics: Rocio Alvarez (Texas A&M University)
José Mendoza (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Naomi Zack (University of Oregon)
Chair: Lindsay Whittaker (Virginia Tech)
We are relocating the following session to the Hyatt today.
3:00 to 5:00
Invited Symposium: The Non-Identity Problem
Chair: Molly Gardner (Bowling Green State University)
Speakers: David Boonin (University of Colorado), Melinda Roberts (The College of New Jersey)
At the moment, we’re not sure what room we will use but people who are interested can meet in the lobby at 3:00 and we will take it from there. Thanks.
You all will be in Sloane at 3:30
Just to add to the list, Thursday morning’s session on ‘Locke, God, and the Natural World’ is cancelled.
Sadly, neither I (the presenter), the commentator Dan Moller or chair Mara Bollard are able to make tomorrow’s session on Grief (scheduled for noon Thursday). Sorry to have to cancel! Please e-mail me (mjcholbi at cpp.edu) if you’d like the paper. I’m going to explore ways of creating some sort of online videoconference to discuss the paper. Best of luck to everyone in reaching the meeting!
There are parallel sessions going on in the Hyatt this afternoon.
David, there are so many “ifs” in my neck of the woods. Baltimore may be OK, but I connect in Philly before I get to Savannah and it looks like that leg (or even the one from Baltimore) will likely be a no go. I’m super bummed that it looks like I won’t make it. In part because I COMPLETELY changed my paper and it’s now on authoritarianism (you just never know what’s going to come out until you begin writing), and it would have been good to get your input. I was also looking forward to catching up!
I’m disappointed to say that today’s ASL session on Modal Logic (6:30-9:30pm) is canceled. Two out of the three speakers had their flights canceled, and the third is on the city side of the river.
Here’s a link to the ad hoc mini-conference. It starts at 1:30 and there will be 3 concurrent sessions.
Thanks for this Andrew. But is there a way to extend the biology session? That’s supposed to be a 2 hour symposium. If not we’re doing it anyway, but radically compressed.
Like if the Continental panel was moved to 3:30 we could move rooms at 5:30 . . .
will we be able to get to then convention center tomorrow/ J. Kegley.
Kant session 1-3 is happening sorta. At least the first talk.
Unfortunately, the Danto/ASA Prize symposium is canceled.
As this session (originally scheduled for Thursday) was cancelled due to the Savannah snowstorm and the inability of our presenters to get to Savannah, we are pleased that they have agreed to reschedule this for the 2019 APA Eastern meeting in New York City, January 7-10, 2019, as the ASA Group Meeting.
Arthur Danto/American Society for Aesthetics Prize: Kenneth Walden’s “Art and Moral Revolution”
Chair: Dominic McIver Lopes (University of British Columbia)
Speakers: John Gibson (University of Louisville)
Lydia Goehr (Columbia University)
Commentator: Kenneth Walden (Dartmouth College)
The Paul Katsafanas book session has been rescheduled in the Hyatt Regency Mount Vernon room for 1:30.
The History & Philosophy of Pharmacoeconomics panel (scheduled for Friday 9am-11am) is unfortunately not going to happen. All of our flights were canceled. We are very disappointed. Thank you to Susanne Sreedhar and the organizing committee for putting together such a wonderful program!
If you’re here and you like philosophy of science, the session Biology’s 2nd and 3rd Laws is on at the Hyatt today at 4:30 in the Verelst Room (2nd floor).
I’m sorry to report that tomorrow’s (Thurs. 1/5) 12 – 2 p.m. Hume Society session, “Hume on Politeness and Passions,” is cancelled due to cancelled flights for both speakers and the chair.
Hi Andrew, (I couldn’t find your email, so I also tried facebook)
I just talked to you about the Kantian Ethics session in Hyatt. Since the original session was set to take 3 hours, I was wondering if we could have the room for at least 2 hours. Currently on the Google Sheet it shows that we’re assigned the room for 1 hour only.
Done. You have Vernon for two hours.
Here’s a spreadsheet!
I’ve added as many clear cancellations and confirmations as I could find. Please feel free to make corrections and updates.
Regarding the session on “Realism and the Absence of Value” with myself, Amie Thomasson, John Hawthorne, and Luis Pinto de Sa participating. Unfortunately only one of us (Amie) was able to make it to the Westin, so this session is cancelled.
tomorrow’s symposium session titled ‘Transcendental Idealism Today’ with Nick Stang speaking and me commenting is canceled as Nick can’t make it to Savannah.
My paper was scheduled for today, 2F, but I did not see the request for the ad hoc conference at the Hyatt until now. (I am on the south/Hyatt side of the river.) I am guessing that the bridges will be closed tomorrow (Thursday) too. If there are ad hoc sessions scheduled for Thursday at the Hyatt, please include my paper, “A Kripke-Style Solution to the Liar Parardox”. Thank you.
I think there’s a good chance that most/all of the presenters for the “Emotions, Morality, and Personal Relationships” session tomorrow will be able to make it. If so, we’ll just need to figure out a location.
3F: Norms, Language, and Meaning (today, 3-6) is cancelled.
If anybody would like to chat about my paper anytime Thursday-Saturday, please get in touch!
Session G9G (Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts Topic: Philosophy of Film) scheduled for Thursday evening (7:30-10:30) has had two of four speakers cancel. The remaining participants (Dan Shaw and Richard Nunan) are still deciding whether to go forward with the session.
Session G14E (Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts Topic: Film and Philosophy) scheduled for Friday evening (7:30-10:30) has had all four speakers cancel, so that session is cancelled.
I won’t be able at Friday morning’s 9:00 session 10D Colloquium: Group Harms and Group Resistance. Haven’t heard from the other speaker in the session folks yet but will update when I do.
Update: Both my commentator and I are at the Westin, so the first portion of this session is confirmed for Friday.
The following session is canceled due to travel problems for several participants:
17B Author Meets Critics: John Corvino, Ryan Anderson, and Sherif
Girgis, Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination
Chair: Jeffrey Lenowitz (Brandeis University)
Critics: Christopher Tollefsen (University of South Carolina)
Simon Căbulea May (Florida State University)
Authors: John Corvino (Wayne State University)
Sherif Girgis (Princeton University)
I myself was supposed to fly in tomorrow, but my flight was canceled, and unfortunately Delta can’t rebook me until Saturday–which means I will miss the conference altogether.
Sorry about this. Session on Kantian Ethics is going on now. Do the Hyatt session is canceled.
the session in Hyatt is canceled
If our flights are cancelled, and we can’t make the conference, I take it that we lose the graduate student stipends as well? I bought a non-refundable ticket, and was counting on the stipend to cover the expense. I imagine other students who bought basic economy tickets will be in the same boat…
I’d be shocked if the APA retracted prizes under the circumstances.
We’ll be in touch with stipend recipients with more details post-conference, but rest assured that, at a minimum, those with non-refundable expenses will still get their travel stipends, even if they are not able to get to the meeting as planned.
I think such tickets are refundable if the airline can’t deliver you to the destination within a certain window. My ticket was refunded, at any rate. Fortunately, I was able to hop on Amtrak.
I would strongly suggest that the committee consider officially canceling the conference at this point. Trip insurance will often allow claims for cancelled events, but not for events that are effectively non-functional or unofficially relocated. This is particularly relevant for students, unaffiliated scholars, and others paying for their own travel.
I don’t think that would be fair to the hundreds who have fought REALLY REALLY hard to get there and made it, often at high cost, many of whom are also students/underemployed. Especially since the conference is already underway.
Having fought really hard to be here at great expense myself, I would be reluctant to describe anything as “underway,” at least here on the Convention Center/Westin side (it sounds like things were rocking at the Hyatt, but that may be my FOMO talking). My suggestion was with a mind to make it easier for people to recoup their costs, but it is probably too late to make a difference. Hopefully conditions will improve tomorrow.
My paper “Is Nihikism Self-defeating?” is still going at 5:00 pm, though the other papers in the reasons session are cancelled, apparently. Please come by if you can. Room 103.
I was on two different flights today, both of which were cancelled and have now been re-booked for a flight on Friday morning. I was supposed to present tomorrow morning in the philosophy of Race and Identity Colloquium from 9-12. If there was a possibility of re-scheduling the session to sometime Friday evening or Saturday morning I would be happy to present (but it sounds like re-scheduled sessions are only going to occur tomorrow? (The chair of the session is John Torrey).
The Thursday AM (9-12) author-meets-critics session on my book Making Things Up is ON. I will Skype in, one commentator (Jason Turner) will be live and in person, and the other (Maureen Donnelly) might be there in person but more likely will Skype.
Hi All,
Session G2A (Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry Topic: Philosophical Perspectives on Critical Psychiatry) was scheduled for today from 1-3 pm. Two of us, the presenter and discussant, made it here to Savannah but not across the river. Will there be an ad-hoc conference at the Hyatt tomorrow as well? If so, how do we reschedule?
Thank you for your time, and stay warm everyone!
We’re still trying to figure out what travel looks like tomorrow. We may be able to reschedule you at the Convention Center. If the bridges are still closed, there may be another ad hoc conference at the Hyatt. We’re not sure yet, but will try to communicate any information as soon as we know.
Thanks so much Jeff. We’re on standby.
As this session (originally scheduled for Thursday) was cancelled due to the Savannah snowstorm and the inability of our presenters to get to Savannah, we are pleased that they have agreed to reschedule this for the 2019 APA Eastern meeting in New York City, January 7-10, 2019, as the ASA Group Meeting.
Arthur Danto/American Society for Aesthetics Prize: Kenneth Walden’s “Art and Moral Revolution”
Chair: Dominic McIver Lopes (University of British Columbia)
Speakers: John Gibson (University of Louisville)
Lydia Goehr (Columbia University)
Commentator: Kenneth Walden (Dartmouth College
Just a note for anyone considering getting to the Convention Center from north of Savannah on the I-95: I was in that area when things were at their worst today, and ended up just giving up and getting a motel outside the city for tonight. It may be better this afternoon now that it isn’t snowing so heavily, but the road conditions were very dangerous earlier today and there were also many police barricades that didn’t show up on google maps. Be safe!
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to the poster session 1 tomorrow (scheduled on 4th Jan 11am) to give my presentation, “What is a Relational Virtue?” due to the severe weather.
Hope you all stay safe and warm.
The Wilfrid Sellars Society session (G11H) has been cancelled.
I have updated the spreadsheet accordingly.
Time: Thursday 12-2pm Session G6I (John Dewey Society)
Topic: Pittsburgh Not Paris:
Populism, Nationalism, and Democracy in a Time of Perpetual War
WILL definitely go on as scheduled. Participants Jennifer Hansen (St. Lawrence) and John Stuhr (Emory) are present; Vincent Colapietro’s (Penn State and U. Rhode Island) paper will be presented by Jessica Wahman (Emory).
If the audience is small, we’ll adopt a discussion format; if the audience is very small, we will adopt a each-get-a-glass-of-wine format.
FYI, if my drive tonight and early tomorrow morning go as I hope, the three panelists for tomorrow’s Society of Philosophers in America (SOPHIA) panel will all be in Savannah, only missing our chair.
If you’re interested, come talk with us about:
“Establishing Conditions for Community Building and Philosophical Dialogue”
Jackie Kegley (CSUB)
James William Lincoln (UKY)
Eric Thomas Weber (UKY)
The link here goes to our post about this panel.
Come also to learn more about SOPHIA, our seed grants for chapter building, our new journal, Civil American, and our radio show and podcast, Philosophy Bakes Bread.
I should have mentioned the time – also, the link was put in my name, so here it is again, easier to find/see:
Time: 12-2pm tomorrow
Link: https://www.philosophersinamerica.com/events/sophia-panel-at-the-2018-eastern-apa-meeting/
If you’re interested, follow/tag us at @SOPHIAchirp.
Any chance of sharing the APA guide passphrase, because for many of us it was impossible to pick up registration materials today and I’m sure many of us would like to try to figure things out for tomorrow?
There’s no passphrase this year. When you registered for the meeting, you should have received an email with a unique link for you to click, which would load the program for you. If you’re having trouble, email Melissa Smallbrook (melissam@udel.edu ).
Sadly, the Invited Session: Black Feminism in the Age of Trump is canceled. We have all been notified of canceled flights and cannot make it to Eastern.
All the best,
The Philosophy of Language Symposium is currently due to go ahead in the 9-11am slot Thursday morning in room MR 101.
Ethan Nowak and Rohan Sud will be presenting via Skype. Paolo Bonardi will speak in person – if the bridges to the convention center are reopened by tomorrow morning. I will be chairing the session, as our nominated chair has been unable to reach Savannah.
Apologies, that should be 9-12.
Due to the bridge remaining closed, our session won’t be able to run as planned. We hope to reschedule.
Due to travel chaos, we’re canceling the Author-Meets-Critics session on On Being Awesome scheduled for Friday morning 11:15-1:15.
Session G9G (Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts Topic: Philosophy of Film) scheduled for Thursday evening (7:30-10:30) is still expected to go forward with Dan Shaw’s presentation: “The Law Redeemed: The Verdict and Goliath”. The other three presenters (and the chair) have cancelled due to the weather.
Because of travel problems, the two sessions sponsored by the North American Kant Society (NAKS) on Thursday Jan 4 are canceled:
G8M at 5:15 pm, with papers by Deligiorgi, Kain, and Schofield
G9L at 7:30 pm, with papers by Godlove and Ercolini
Session 6D (Author Meets Critics: Brad Skow, Reasons Why) has been cancelled.
Does anyone know if the convention center has a screen available if we have to skype in rather than being present in person at a panel?
Come discuss informal logic and critical thinking in 202!
Hi Everyone. Sad to report that the Association for Philosophy of Education meeting on “Education, Disability, and Well-being” (G8O, Thursday 5:15-7:15) will be cancelled. Changes made in the spreadsheet.
Just an update for everyone. We expect to update the meeting app and program this evening to reflect cancellations and some rescheduled sessions.
I am afraid I’m stuck in Chicago for the next two days, and so will not be able to present my symposium paper “What Must we Know to Benefit from Aristotle’s Ethics?” which was scheduled for tomorrow 2-4pm.
Could not make it out of NYC, so I will not be able to deliver my talk “Urban Commons: from Public-private to Social-Public” (fri 11am) for the Beyond Applied Philosophy panel but i think other panelists will be there. Be safe everybody!
Hi Michael! Would you be willing to send me a copy of that paper? rkukla at gmail dot com
Thanks so much in advance!
Hi Rebecca! It’s mostly drawn from Chapter 6 of my book “We Decide!” which just came out
BTW, as you may know, a top theorist on urban commons is now at Georgetown, Sheila Foster, she’s doing great stuff from legal perspective. Email me if you wanna talk more about this, be happy to/ mm
Michael, better yet, maybe have coffee some time? I am doing a mid-career grad degree right now in urban geography at CUNY (through Hunter) and would love to talk to another crossover philosopher/urban geographer!
Andrew (or whoever else is helping arrange talks at the Hyatt). Both Joshua Blanchard (Author of “The Problem of Unwelcome Epistemic Company”) and me (one of his commentators) will be on the mainland side tomorrow (Joshua’s Symposium was scheduled for 2 hours on Thursday). Can we get on the schedule for the Alternative APA tomorrow?
Well, now that they think we can get over there afternoon, we may be able to get over to the Hyatt for our session at 2:00.
Session 12H, Personal Identity and Origins, on Friday afternoon is unfortunately cancelled, due to the inability of the participants to get to Savanah in time for the session. Speakers were Marya Schechtman, David Hershenov, John Lizza, and Don Marquis.We hope the APA program committees will allow us to re-reschedule this session at another time and place. – Gregory Pence, Chair
The meeting of the Leibniz Society of North America (Thursday 5:15 to 7:15) has been cancelled, as most of the participants were unable to make it to Savannah.
I plan to give my symposium talk on Carnap’s internal/external distinction scheduled for Saturday, though the two commentators Thomas Hofweber and Robert Kraut unfortunately cannot make it to Savannah.
The symposium on the philosophy of color (Friday, 9am, 10f) has been cancelled.
Session 5C, on Aesthetics, won’t be happening tomorrow morning as I and the other speaker, John Dyck, as well as one of the commentators, Luke Cuddy, cannot make it to Savannah. There’s some talk of having a video discussion, but if that happens, it won’t be at 9 AM tomorrow due to travel fatigue.
Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather, I will not be able to be at the conference to present my paper “The Phenomenal I and the Phenomenological Contrast between Affection and Volition.” I will post an update if there is a possibility of presenting the paper through Skype. I thank the organizers of the conference for all their help.
Stefano Vincini (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
The first two Teaching Hub sessions will be proceeding as planned, if the bridge opens by noon. But our first session—“Inclusive Pedagogies,” will start one hour late: at 1 pm. All other sessions will proceed as scheduled, if the bridge opens.
Please come and join us. Many of our panels will be missing presenters, but that will just leave more time for collegial discussion.
The symposium on stereotyping and stereotype threat will be held at 9am this morning as scheduled, but in the lobby of the Hyatt (towards the middle, just to the left of the escalators).
The Talmadge Bridge is currently open southbound. The northbound lanes are blocked by a truck so not currently open. We’re hoping it gets cleared in time so that the trolleys can take people from the Hyatt to the Convention Center for sessions starting at noon. We’ll keep people posted as we know more. #trolleyproblems
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for keeping us updated on the bridge!
APA Committee Session: Inclusivity in the Teaching and the
Practice of Philosophy Thursday 7:30-10:30 pm is cancelled.
Invited symposiums 5N (Discourse and Power Under Oppression) and 5P (Evolution and Morality) are holding a combined session in Oglethorpe Auditorium — going on now.
Due to flight cancellations and the inability to Skype in, we have had to cancel Session 5K this morning—the Colloquium on Action in Chatham C from 9am – noon.
Unfortunately, the session for the Blog of the APA (16H Saturday 11:30-1:30) is cancelled.
Is the Dewey Lecture Friday still on? Thank you
Is there any rescheduling going on of Wednesday’s sessions for today or tomorrow during canceled sessions? I believe my session (Other Minds and Mental Illness) could go on if this could be arranged.
Session 10E (Invited Symposium: The Ontology of Terrorism) is canceled.
Also, session G9H (Society for Philosophy of Animal Minds) is canceled.
BTW, it is possible to walk the bridge, as Isaac Wilhelm and I did yesterday. The bridge is 2miles long, I estimate it will probably take you an hour to 90 minutes or so to get from the Hyatt to the Westin by foot.
This is no longer possible since the bridge is open to traffic again.
According to Jennifer Nagel: “David Christensen is in Savannah to deliver his Sanders Prize Lecture at 2pm today. Location: the Convention Centre Auditorium (and traffic is now flowing both ways over the bridge). Come for what we know will be a great talk, “On Acting as Judge in one’s own (Epistemic) Case”. Stay for the Prize Reception, open to all, 5-6pm in the River Concourse.”
Due to weather-related travel cancellations, 7G Symposium: Harming As Difference-Making scheduled for Thursday afternoon has been cancelled.
Apologies for the cancellation. I was unable to get to Savannah at all due to flight cancellations. But I want to thank Gerard Vong and Daniel Star for their helpful and perceptive comments on my paper, and both of them as well as session chair Rebecca Chan for their willingness to make this go despite my absence. We talked about doing it by skype, but my wifi keeps cutting out (high winds).
Safe travels, everyone! Tom
Session 7E (Symposium: Reacting to Moral Ignorance, 2:00-4:00pm) is cancelled.
Transportation update: The Talmadge Bridge is open, but road conditions remain treacherous. We do not yet know if trolleys will start running at noon, but we will send an update as soon as we do. We’re checking with the transportation company every 30 minutes.
Please exercise caution when leaving your hotel. Road and sidewalk conditions are still slippery.
We regret to inform you that because of the weather-related travel problems, “Philosophers Theorize Capitalism” (Saturday, 17F, 1:30-4:30) has been cancelled.
The bridge is now open, however conditions are still extremely icy. The trollies are not able to start running right now, but we expect an update in 15 minutes.
Unfortunately, due to travel complications for all participants, the Bioethics Colloquium (7F, Thursday 2-4pm) has been cancelled
The Prize Reception (scheduled for 5-6 pm today) will be rescheduled to right after the Presidential Address on Friday.
The William James Society session (Friday, 7pm) has been cancelled.
Update on:
Locke and Spinoza session, Thurs. June 4, 2 – 5 PM, Convention Center, Room 7J
Still alive!
Chair: Melissa Frankel
Paper 1: “Lockean Responses to the Problem of Perceptual Error.”
Ronald Claypool will present his paper.
Nathan Rockwood will present his comments.
Paper 2: “Locke on the Difficulty of Demonstration.”
Patrick Connolly, author
Lex Newman, commentator.
The author and commentator had to cancel, due to travel conditions.
Paper 3: “Spinoza on the Being-Thing Distinction.”
Stephen Daniel will present his paper:
Melissa Frankel will read Galen Barry’s comments.
If you are still at the Hyatt, you may now at least crawl or slide across the bridge (so I hear).
Cancelled: Session 7P – Reparations (sponsored by the Committee on Public Philosophy).
(Two of the three participants were not able to make it to Savannah)
Session 12G, “Speech, Identity, and Privacy in the Age of Social Media,” WILL HAPPEN tomorrow at 1:30. We may have only one paper – Dan Steinberg and I will present a paper called “‘I really didn’t say everything I said’: Retraction in the age of the Internet.” We may have up to two ad hoc papers by great folks, although the other original panelists will not make it to Savannah. Please come!
Any updates on the trolleys?
The symposium “From Nature to Second Nature: The Evolution of Bergson’s Conception of Habit” scheduled for 2pm on Thursday will take place at the Hyatt this afternoon (Thursday). The room and time slot are currently being scheduled. We hope to see you there!
Colloquium: Psychology and Neuroscience (7I 2-5pm Thursday) is cancelled. Speaker John Bickle and commenter Mike Bruno, both from Mississippi State University, ARE HERE at the Hyatt and are available to chat.
Bickle: jbickle@philrel.mstate.edu
Bruno: michael.bruno@gmail.com
Or tweet to @bigfoodetc (Bickle’s wife)
Bickle’s talk Lasar Lights and Designer Drugs: The New Face of Ruthlessly Reductive Neuroscience now scheduled for 5pm at the Hyatt. Hope to see you there!
See Mary Ellen Waithe about the SSWP session on Friday morning, 11:15am. She is the only panelist who was able to travel to Savannah.
The SSWP session on Friday evening, 7:00pm, has been cancelled.
I’ve put these updates on Cat Saint-Croix’s very helpful spreadsheet. Thank you, Cat Saint-Croix!
Transportation update for #APAEastern18: Trolleys are unable to operate safely today. The bridge is open. Please use your best judgment in deciding whether or not to try to cross the bridge via Uber, cab, etc.
Philosophers Stranded on the Hyatt Side
Two Updates in Light of Transportation Cancellations
We’ve got another ad hoc round of sessions planned here starting at 3pm. Here’s the schedule.
There will be a reception for all of us at Hyatt starting at 8pm in the Scarborough Ballroom on the Lobby Level.
There are quite a few of us on this side. Sessions have been well attended, and I expect the reception to well attended as well.
Author meets critics (Walter Ott, Descartes, Malebranche and the Crisis of Perception; critics: Alison Simmons, Sean Greenberg; chair: Stephen Puryear) will go ahead at 5:15 in Rm 106 at the Convention Center, 5:15-7:15 today (Thursday).
G9F The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy session has been cancelled. I and the other presenters are looking into pursuing some sort of online alternative at a later date. I’ve updated the spreadsheet to note the cancellation. Many thanks to Cat Saint-Croix and the other organizers for rolling with the punches.
The rest of the Teaching Hub sessions will happen as planned—some with smaller panels, but all with open, interesting, and informative discussions about the teaching of philosophy.
Department chairs, DGSs, and grad students stop by MR 100 (first floor) tonight from 5:15-7:15 pm to hear how a few innovative grad programs are handling the difficult job market by helping their grad students earn both advanced degrees in philosophy and fast-track degrees in ed (to teach in the k-12 public schools).
Unfortunately the International Society for Chinese Philosophy’s panel (G8E) scheduled for today at 5:15 has been cancelled.
We will have another panel Friday morning (G10C) scheduled from 9am to 11am. We are trying to arrange for this panel to occur at the Hyatt, since the panelists are on this side of the river.
#APAEastern18 update: The prize reception has been rescheduled for tomorrow, immediately following the Presidential Address. A reception will be held at the Hyatt for those who cannot get to the Convention Center this evening. We are awaiting further updates about transportation from local officials and will share information with you as we receive it. For more details, visit our website: http://www.apaonline.org/news/380899/APA-Eastern-2018-Update-Transportation-Session-and-Reception-Updates.htm
Friday’s session (12M), Feminist Philosophies of Life, will occur as scheduled at 1:30pm at the Convention Center. Sabrina Hom will present in the place of Mary Rawlinson, whose flight was cancelled.
Hey! Where’s the trump session happening?!?
Come to the Society for Analytical Feminism talk tomorrow morning at 11:15! We are still on!
Friday session of the International Society for Environmental Ethics is still on (G11E) but the line-up has changed. Will be as follows:
(1) Author-meets-critic on The Spirit of the Soil, 2nd ed.
Allen Thompson (Oregon State), critic
Paul Thompson (Michigan State), author
(2) David Frank (University of Tenn. Knox) “Radical Pluralism in Environmental Ethics”
(3) Tony Chackal (Missouri State)
“Community Autonomy for Ecological Individuals”
The Saturday symposium (16C), Symmetry-Breaking Determination, will occur as scheduled (11:30-1:30, MR104). Cancelled flights have kept the chair and commenters from being here, but the speaker (me) is here, and we’ll try to Skype in the commenters.
The Author Meets Critics Session on Mariam Thalos’ book, A Social Theory of Freedom, WILL take place tomorrow morning (Session 10I, 9-11 AM). Critics (Gila Sher and Kristina Gehrman) will be presenting comments via skype. Author (Mariam Thalos) and Chair (Meghan Griffith) are both present at the Westin.
Any news about registration refunds?
Enjoy a free Continental breakfast at the 9-11:00 am Teaching Hub session “Designing a New Course” in MR 100, first floor, then stay to celebrate the first winner of the APA-AAPT-TPA prize for excellence in philosophy teaching. After that, one-on-one, walk-in teaching consultations, non-Western language in philosophy courses, and our evening reception with a cash bar and posters (from those presenters who made it to Savannah) on both faculty SoTL work and undergraduate research.
#APAEastern18 Transportation Update: Shuttles will run between the Hyatt and the Convention Center starting at 8:30 this morning.
Shuttles will run between the Hyatt and the Convention Center starting at 8:30 this morning.
Check the meeting app for updated session information.
Today’s symposium on Philosophy and Activism will be held at the Convention Center. Chris Cuomo (University of Georgia) will be present, but Desirée Melton (Notre Dame of Maryland University) and Lori Gruen (Wesleyan University) are unable to attend due to impacts of climate change.
Philosophy of the City Research Group’s session is cancelled. 3/4 of the panel cannot make it. But I’m here and will show up to the session to talk shop with people interested in Phil of the City. We’ll reschedule for next year.
POTC RG had an audience so I ended up giving my presentation. It was a great time despite the chaos.
Virginia Held is here and will be giving her Dewey Lecture today, as scheduled, at 1:30pm in the Oglethorpe Auditorium.
There will be an International Hobbes Association session this evening (Friday) at 7, as scheduled. Chris Buckman will present his paper that was scheduled for yesterday, and I will present my paper that was scheduled for today. Please join us!
The author meets critics session for Fred Feldman’s “Distributive Justice” on Saturday at 11:30, 16F, is cancelled.
Starting right now:
Keynote Speaker: Gertrude Gonzalez de Allen (Spelman College)
“Afra: Discourse on Womanhood, Migration, Blackness, and Latin U.S. Caribbean Identity”
I lost a hat at the convention center today- anyone find one?
There’s a red hat in the lost and found at the APA registration desk.
Alvin Goldman and I will be discussing his paper on democracy from 9am to 11am as scheduled on Saturday, although David Estlund is unable to attend.
APA Committee Session: Author Meets Critics: Alvin Goldman’s “What Is Democracy (and What Is Its Raison D’Être)?”
Arranged by the Journal of the American Philosophical Association and the APA Committee on International Cooperation
Peter Graham (University of California, Riverside)
Critics: David Estlund (Brown University)
Alexander Guerrero (Rutgers University–New Brunswick)
Author: Alvin Goldman (Rutgers University–New Brunswick)