APAJerzak, Basu, and Kintz Win the 2018 Sanders Graduate Student Awards

Jerzak, Basu, and Kintz Win the 2018 Sanders Graduate Student Awards

The APA is pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 Sanders Graduate Student Awards:

  • Ethan Jerzak (University of California, Berkeley), for “Two Ways to Want?”
  • Rima Basu (University of Southern California), for “Moral Encroachment”
  • James Kintz (Saint Louis University), for “Social Interactions, Aristotelian Powers, and the Ontology of the I-You Relation”

The annual Sanders Graduate Student Awards are three prizes awarded to each of the three best papers in mind, metaphysics, epistemology, or ethics submitted for the annual APA Eastern Division meeting by graduate students, as chosen by the Eastern Division program committee. This prize is funded through the generosity of the Marc Sanders Foundation.

Jerzak, Basu, and Kintz will each be awarded $1,000, in addition to the travel funds independently advanced to graduate students by the APA. The awards will be presented at the 2018 Eastern Division meeting’s annual prize reception in Savannah, GA.

Jerzak received his A.B. in philosophy and allied fields from the University of Chicago and is currently a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley. His areas of specialization are philosophy of language and logic, and he also has interests in early analytic philosophy and Kant.

Basu received her B.A. and M.A. in philosophy at the University of Toronto and is now a graduate student at the University of Southern California. Her research is at the intersection of ethics, epistemology, and philosophy of race.

Kintz received his M.A. in philosophy from Loyola Marymount University and is a graduate student at Saint Louis University. His areas of interest are metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and medieval philosophy.


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