APAResults of the Recent APA Elections

Results of the Recent APA Elections

Over the last few weeks, members of the APA elected new divisional officers, a new at-large member of the APA board of officers, four new members of the Graduate Student Council (GSC), and considered an amendment to the association bylaws. We are pleased to announce the results of those votes.

All newly elected members will begin their terms on July 1 and (with the exception of nominating committee members, whose terms vary by division, and GSC members, whose terms are listed below) will serve three-year terms ending June 30, 2020. Divisional vice presidents serve a one-year term as vice president, followed by a one-year term as president, and finally a one-year term as past president.

Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to all the candidates who stood for election.

Board of Officers


Jamie Dreier (Brown University)

Central Division

Vice President

Jennifer Nagel (University of Toronto)

Executive Committee Member-at-Large

Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern University)

Nominating Committee Members

Sarah Paul (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Christopher Pincock (Ohio State University)
Laura Ruetsche (University of Michigan)
Meghan Sullivan (University of Notre Dame)

Eastern Division

Vice President

Anita Allen (University of Pennsylvania Law School)

Executive Committee Members-at-Large

Jamie Dreier (Brown University)
Michele Moody-Adams (Columbia University)

Nominating Committee Members

Gideon Rosen (Princeton University)
Paul C. Taylor (Pennsylvania State University)

Pacific Division

Vice President

Richard Arneson (University of California, San Diego)

Divisional Representative to the Board of Officers

Janet Stemwedel (San Jose State University)

Executive Committee Member-at-Large

Michael Cholbi (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)

Nominating Committee Members

Eric Hutton (University of Utah)
Amy Schmitter (University of Alberta)

Graduate Student Council

Blake Hereth (University of Washington), 2017–2019
Zoë Johnson King (University of Michigan), 2017–2019
Sahar Joakim (Saint Louis University), 2017–2018
Savannah Pearlman (Indiana University Bloomington), 2017–2018

Bylaws Amendments

At its meeting in November 2016, the APA board proposed an amendment to the association bylaws, which makes revisions to the descriptions of the chair, vice chair, and executive director positions. The amendment was approved by a majority of those voting in each of the divisions and has been adopted.


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