APAAwards Roundup: Spring 2017

Awards Roundup: Spring 2017

APA Awards

Edward Zalta, Stanford University

Winner of the 2016 Barwise Prize

Joshua Glasgow, Sonoma State University

Winner of the 2017 Baumgardt Memorial Fellowship

Marina Folescu, University of Missouri

Winner of the 2017-2018 Edinburgh Fellowship

Non-APA Awards

Eva Boodman, Stony Brook University

Awarded a 2016-2017 Public Humanities Fellowship from Humanities New York

Devin Sanchez Curry, University of Pennsylvania

Appointed to the 2017 ACLS Fellowship program

Samuel Freeman, University of Pennsylvania

Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017

Pieranna Garavaso, University of Minnesota, Morris

Received the University of Minnesota, Morris, Faculty Distinguished Research Award for 2017

Nabeel Hamid, University of Pennsylvania

Appointed to the 2017 ACLS Fellowship program

Thomas Hurka, University of Toronto

Awarded the 2017 Killam Prize in the Humanities by the Canada Council for the Arts

Alison Jaggar, University of Colorado

Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017

Ethan Jerzak, University of California, Berkeley

Appointed to the 2017 ACLS Fellowship program

Dominic McIver Lopes, University of British Columbia

Named a 2017 Canada Council Killam Research Fellow

Ruth Millikan, University of Connecticut

Awarded the 2017 Nicholas Rescher Prize for Systematic Philosophy by the University of Pittsburgh

Also awarded the 2017 Rolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Charles W. Mills, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017

Lydia Moland, Colby College

Appointed to the 2017 ACLS Fellowship program

Alvin Plantinga, University of Notre Dame

Named the 2017 Temple Prize Laureate by the John Templeton Foundation

Domenica G. Romagni, Princeton University

Appointed to the 2017 ACLS Fellowship program

Tad Schmaltz, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

Appointed to the 2017 ACLS Fellowship program

Anita Silvers, San Francisco State University

Received a 2017 Wang Family Excellence Award in the Visual and Performing Arts and Letters Category from California State University.

Travis Timmerman, Seton Hall University

Received a 2017 Summer Stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Mark Van Roojen, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Received a 2017 Summer Stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities


This post reflects awards reported since the previous roundup post.

The Blog of the APA features a regular roundup of awards won by APA members. The APA tracks awards won by members for publication in its Proceedings and Addresses.  Information about awards is compiled from two sources: members who notify the national office directly about their awards, and publications that list award recipients from time to time.

 You are encouraged to notify the national office of any awards you have received, so that these may be included in a future roundup post and in the Proceedings and Addresses. Notices should be sent to Erin Shepherd at erinshep@udel.edu.

If you would like links added to this post or changed, please contact Jeremy Cushing at jeremycushing@apaonline.org. Notices of awards omitted from this list should be sent to Erin Shepherd at erinshep@udel.edu.


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