APAJoshua Glasgow Wins the 2017 Baumgardt Memorial Fellowship

Joshua Glasgow Wins the 2017 Baumgardt Memorial Fellowship

The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that Professor Joshua Glasgow (Sonoma State University) has been selected by the APA committee on international cooperation as the winner of the 2017 Baumgardt Memorial Fellowship for his proposed lectures, “Gratitude, Life, and Death.”

The David Baumgardt Memorial Fellowship, in the amount of $10,000, is for the support and dissemination of research in the field of ethics, especially as they related to the interests of David Baumgardt, including the examination and comparison of types of morality associated with strong cultural and religious traditions, such as Judaism and Christianity. The Baumgardt Fellow will have the opportunity to present their work as a series of two or three public lectures, to be known as the Baumgardt Memorial Lectures.

Glasgow received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Memphis in 2001. He is assistant professor of philosophy and director of the Center for Ethics, Law, and Society at Sonoma State University, specializing in value theory and moral, political, and legal philosophy. Prior to that, he taught at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), University of California at Berkeley, Occidental College, and CSU–Bakersfield. He has published numerous articles, and his book, A Theory of Race, was published in 2009 by Routledge.

Peter Graham, chair of the APA committee on international cooperation, says, “Professor Glasgow’s research draws from a wide range of intellectual influences, both inside and outside of the canonical figures of the Western philosophical tradition, and is sure to deepen our understanding of gratitude in our lives and the role that death places in the overall shape and value of human life.”


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