APAEdward Zalta Wins the 2016 Barwise Prize

Edward Zalta Wins the 2016 Barwise Prize

The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that Edward Zalta (Stanford University) has been selected by the APA committee on philosophy and computers as the winner of the 2016 Barwise Prize.

The Barwise Prize is for significant and sustained contributions to areas relevant to philosophy and computing. The prize serves to credit those within our profession for their life long efforts in this field. The Barwise Prize winner receives a plaque, and will offer a keynote talk at a computing and philosophy conference as well as a talk at one of the APA divisional meetings.

Zalta is a senior research scholar at the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1980. His research specialties include metaphysics and epistemology, philosophy of mathematics, philosophical logic/philosophy of logic, and computational metaphysics.

Marcello Guarini, chair of the APA committee on philosophy and computers, said, “Zalta has not only made a series of very high quality contributions to computational metaphysics, but is also one of the founders and the principal editor of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. His contributions to computing and philosophy are ongoing, and the community of scholars in this area continues to benefit from his work.”


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