APACommittee-Sponsored Sessions at the APA 2017 Eastern Division Meeting

Committee-Sponsored Sessions at the APA 2017 Eastern Division Meeting

The 2017 Eastern Division Meeting will take place January 4–7 at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel in Baltimore. For those able to attend the meeting, the sessions sponsored by APA committees are listed below. Consult your conference program or the Guidebook App for more information.

Wednesday, January 4

6:30 p.m. Ronald Dworkin, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy and Law

6:30 p.m. Distributive vs. Relational Equality: Implications for Health Policy, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy and Medicine

6:30 p.m. Living, Thinking, and Teaching “Black Lives Matter”, Sponsored by the Committee on Public Philosophy

Thursday, January 5

9:00 a.m. A Vision for Black Lives as/and Philosophy, sponsored by the Committee on Public Philosophy

9:00 a.m. Women of Color Feminism, sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Black Philosophers and the Committee on the Status of Women

2:00 p.m. The De Gruyter Stiftung Kant Lecture, sponsored by the Committee on Lectures, Publications, and Research

2:00 p.m. The Barwise Prize, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy and Computers

7:30 p.m. Ethical Issues in ‘Wanted’ Pregnancies: Maternal Rights, Duties, and Prerogatives, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy and Law

7:30 p.m. What Is Enough? Sufficiency, Justice, and Health, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy and Medicine

7:30 p.m. Author Meets Critics: In-Between: Latina Feminist Phenomenology, Multiplicity, and the Self by Mariana Ortega, sponsored by the Committee on Hispanics

Friday, January 6

9:00 a.m. Philosophy of the City—in Color, sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Black Philosophers

9:00 a.m. Academic Freedom in Foreign and Branch Campuses, sponsored by the Committee on International Cooperation

9:00 a.m. What Can We Learn from Chinese Skepticism? Sponsored by the Committee on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies

11:15 a.m. Philosophy in a Workforce World: Creating Programs for Positive Outcomes, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy in Two-Year Colleges

11:15 a.m. Women Do History of Philosophy–Recent Scholarship, sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women

7:00 p.m. Author Meets Critics: Latin American Philosophy: From Identity to Radical Exteriority, sponsored by the Committee on Hispanics

7:00 p.m. Listening to Ourselves, sponsored by the Committee on Indigenous Philosophers

7:00 p.m. Sexual and Gender Identity and Choice, sponsored by the Committee on LGBTQ People in the Profession

Let us know in the comments section below which sessions you are most excited about.


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