ResearchWhat Are You Reading...On Sustainability and Change (Part 1)

What Are You Reading…On Sustainability and Change (Part 1)

I spent the past week in the company of an inspiring group of individuals who are committed to building a sustainable world. Organized by University of Michigan Human Genetics professor Charles Sing and Senior Program Manager at Pacific Gas and Electric Lucas Patzek, the group included a number of long time writers such as Wendell Berry and Fred Kirschenmann, as well as  younger entrepreneurs like Sarah Red-Laird (founder of the nonprofit Bee Girl) and Eric Sannerud (co-founder of Mighty Axe Hops).

Discussions ranged widely from how to build community to the best way to attract grant money. Yet in every conversation speakers mentioned books that inspired them to pursue their unconventional career. In the midst of the meeting, I passed around a sheet of paper and asked participants to share the books that most inspired them. Doubtless some will be familiar to the philosophical community (if not the reading community at large), but there are more than a few that are unknown to me, and which I look forward to reading. If you are interested in understanding how we can best change the existing world into one that is sustainable, I encourage you to open the following:


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