APANew APA Graduate Student Council: Nominations now open!

New APA Graduate Student Council: Nominations now open!

At its most recent meeting, the board of officers unanimously approved the creation of a new APA Graduate Student Council (GSC).

The GSC will serve as a liaison between the graduate students in the discipline of philosophy and the APA, reporting to the board of officers on issues of interest, concern, and relevance to philosophy graduate students. The GSC will advise the board on how to best serve and support graduate students and may take up projects of its own as well.

The GSC will be made up of 12 philosophy graduate students. In an effort to balance both the need for diversity (professional, demographic, geographic, institutional) of the GSC membership, and the desire for democratic selection, the GSC will include both elected and appointed members. Eight of the members will be appointed by a selection committee including members of the GSC and members of the board of officers. Four members will be elected by the student associate members of the APA.

Nominations for appointed seats on the APA Graduate Student Council (terms beginning July 1, 2017) are now open. Nominations will remain open through October 31.

Any student associate member of the APA (including undergraduate and high school students) may nominate any graduate student actively enrolled in a MA or PhD program in philosophy (or a cognate field eligible for APA membership). Self-nomination is welcome and encouraged. Nominees who are not current APA members will be given the opportunity to become members in order to be considered for GSC membership. Nominees will be required to submit a brief CV, a letter from their institution certifying their student status, and a brief statement of interest.

To nominate yourself for the GSC, complete the nominee form.

To nominate someone else for the GSC, complete the nominator form.


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