APAAwards Roundup: June-July 2016

Awards Roundup: June-July 2016

APA Awards

Sebastian Purcell, SUNY Cortland

Winner of the 2016 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought

Brian Epstein, Tufts University

Winner of the 2016 Gittler Award

Berislav Marušić, Brandeis University

Winner of the 2016 Sanders Book Prize

Non-APA Awards

Corinne Bloch-Mullins, Marquette University

Received a 2016 Way Klingler Young Scholar Award from Marquette University.

Allen Buchanan, Duke University

Received a 2016 NEH grant

Ann Cahill, Elon University

Received a 2016 NEH grant

Cheshire Calhoun, Arizona State University

Received the 2015 Journal of Applied Philosophy Essay Prize

Andrew Cohen, Georgia State University

Received a 2016 NEH grant

Barry Lam, Vassar College

Appointed as associate director of the Marc Sanders Foundation.

Mary Kate McGowan, Wellesley College

Appointed to the 2016 ACLS Fellowship Program

Alexander Nehamas, Princeton University

Received the 2016 Apostolos P. Stefanopoulos Prize in Philosophy for contributions in applied philosophy and ethics

Alyssa Ney, University of California, Davis

Awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation

Martha Nussbaum, University of Chicago Law School

Awarded the Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy by the Inamori Foundation.

James Reid, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Received a 2016 NEH grant

Thomas Wartenberg, Mount Holyoke College

Received a 2016 NEH grant


This post reflects awards reported since the previous roundup post.

The Blog of the APA features a regular roundup of awards won by APA members. The APA tracks awards won by members for publication in its Proceedings and Addresses.  Information about awards is compiled from two sources: members who notify the national office directly about their awards, and publications that list award recipients from time to time.

You are encouraged to notify the national office of any awards you have received, so that these may be included in a future roundup post and in the Proceedings and Addresses. Notices should be sent to Erin Shepherd at erinshep@udel.edu.

If you would like links added to this post or changed, please contact Jeremy Cushing at jeremycushing@apaonline.org. Notices of awards omitted from this list should be sent to Erin Shepherd at erinshep@udel.edu.




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