APACommittee Sponsored Sessions at the 2016 Central APA

Committee Sponsored Sessions at the 2016 Central APA

The 2016 Central Division Meeting will take place March 2–5 at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago. Below is a schedule of sessions sponsored by APA committees. Consult your conference program or the Guidebook App for more information.

Thursday, March 3

9:00 a.m. The Sanders Lecture, sponsored by the Committee on Lectures, Publications, and Research

2:20 p.m. Author Meets Critics: Naomi Zack’s White Privilege and Black Rights: The Injustice of U.S. Police Racial Profiling and Homicide, sponsored by the Committee on Inclusiveness in the Profession

5:30 p.m. Indigenous Philosophy in Latin America, sponsored by the Committee on Hispanics

7:40 p.m. The Metaphysics of the Human Person and the Definition of Death, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy and Medicine

Friday, March 4

9:00 a.m. The de Gruyter Stiftung Kant Lecture, sponsored by the Committee on Lectures, Publications, and Research

9:00 a.m. Author Meets Critics: Peter K. J. Park’s Africa, Asia and the History of Philosophy: Racism and the Formation of the Philosophical Canon, sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies

2:00 p.m. Teaching Students How to Read Philosophy, sponsored by the Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy

2:00 p.m. Jobs and Rewards: Teaching Philosophy at Community Colleges, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy in Two-Year Colleges

7:00 p.m. Bisexuality, sponsored by the Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Philosophers

Saturday, March 5

9:00 a.m. Round Table: Philosophy Meets Journalism, sponsored by the Committee on Public Philosophy

9:00 a.m. Women Discuss Aristotle, sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women

2:45 p.m. Building an AP Philosophy Course in High School from the Ground Up: Join the Q&A, sponsored by the Committee on Pre-College Instruction in Philosophy

2:45 p.m. Cognitive (Neuro)Science and Ethics, sponsored by the Committee on Philosophy and Medicine

Let us know in the comments which sessions you are most looking forward to.


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