What Are You Reading? (February 22–28)

What Are You Reading? (February 22–28)

Since the last time I wrote, I have shifted gears a bit. Instead of my paper on the phenomenology of race, I am now working on the question of revolution in Marxist-Leninist theory. In addition to revisiting the major works of Marx and Lenin, this has taken me to a number of books aimed at rethinking the legacy of sociopolitical change left us by these two radical thinkers. I recommend the book Lenin Rediscovered, by Lars T. Lih; Lenin Reloaded, edited by Sebastian Budgen, Stathis Kouvelakis, and Slavoj Zizek; and Lenin and the Logic of Hegemony: Political Practice and Theory in the Class Struggle, by Alan Shandro.

In my spare time, I am also reading up on quantum theory using the book Hidden In Plain Sight: The Simple Link between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, by Andrew Thomas. My hope is that some of the ideas found there will help me to articulate concepts in my own work.

What are you reading?


  1. I recently finished Barbara Vetter’s book *Potentiality*, which develops a dispositional view of modality. The book is excellent. It is clear, thorough, and original. I highly recommend it.


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