UncategorizedChanges to the Editorial Team

Changes to the Editorial Team

After helping us get the blog launched and getting some really great content for us on the research and service beats, one of our associate editors, Justin Caouette, has decided to leave the editorial team in order to focus more of his energy on his own research and teaching. Because Justin was shepherding a number of interviews and posts through the editorial process, you can expect to see some more content from him even after he transitions out of the editorial position. Justin has been a valued member of the editorial team since we began planning the blog in August, and we are sad to see him go, but we wish him much luck in all his future endeavors!

At the same time, we are pleased to announce that Nathan Eckstrand will be taking over for Justin as our new associate editor for research and service posts.  Nathan works in social and political philosophy and currently has a fellowship at Mercyhurst College in Erie, PA.  We’re very excited to have Nathan join the editorial team.

As always, if you have ideas for posts you’d like to see on the blog, or are interested in writing posts yourself, please get in touch with us through our submission form. You can also contact Nathan directly about ideas for posts relating to research or service, Skye about posts relating to work/life balance or issues in the profession, and Jeremy about posts relating to teaching or diversity and inclusiveness.


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