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The Birth of a Journal
The idea that the APA should have a journal had been around for some time, but it came to fruition in 2012, when the...
History, Hospitals, and Health Disparities
In the early days of COVID-19, I was a bioethics fellow at Johns Hopkins, and I became involved with several efforts to evaluate the...
An Invitation to Take the Question of Secession Seriously
Political philosophers should think more about the theory of secession. There is a philosophical literature on secession, most obviously the work of Allan Buchanan,...
Staving Off and Serving Up Inventions
Saturday Morning Lessons
My mother’s employment for as long as I can remember was that of a home attendant, also known as a "home health...
Collecting Nuts and Bolts: Reintroducing the Teaching and Learning Video Series
Whenever I teach an introductory-level philosophy course, I spend some time working through different reading strategies with my students, who are largely unfamiliar with...
Logic and Critical Thinking, Daniel Allen
My experience teaching both introductory and symbolic logic at Villanova was resulting in too much overlap between the courses, with too little time for...
The Multiverse May Not Remove the Need for a Personal Creator
Scientists agree that the universe was in a hot, dense period approximately 13.8 billion years ago. Everything we have observed, from the Cosmic Microwave...
Learning from AI’s Bullshit
Anyone who has used modern AI knows how unreliable they are. They might recommend adding glue to pizza sauce to keep the cheese from sliding...
Socrates in Exile: The Fate of Thought in a Bureaucratic Age
As the foundations of independent thinking are rationalized in the administered world, the public role of philosophy as magistra vitae becomes an intellectual afterthought....
Executive Orders, Offices, and Laws: Democratic Conundrums in Ancient Greece and Modern America
An executive order is issued by the new ruler of a country. A woman defies the order in the name of higher laws. How...