ServiceMARGY: Up and Running

MARGY: Up and Running

David Faraci and Graham Leach-Krouse are pleased to announce that MARGY, a free management system for confidential letters of recommendation, is up and running for the 2017 job market. Applicants are invited to use their system to send confidential letters of recommendation to schools that are accepting submissions via email.

Each year, applicants on the application job market spend thousands of dollars to have professional dossier services handle their confidential letters of recommendation. MARGY, which stands for Managing Academic Recommendations Gratis Yay, was designed to respond to this problem.

Using this service, letter-writers upload letters to MARGY’s secure server; applicants tell the system where to email those letters. Confidentiality is maintained via a whitelist; the system will only send letters to email addresses that have been confirmed as being maintained by a relevant hiring entity.

For more information visit Questions and comments to

Click here. to view the original post that the blog published on MARGY.


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